
The Curious Cousins and the African Elephant Expedition: Secretary Bird

Meet the irritable secretary! 🐍🦢🍽️

In The Curious Cousins and the African Elephant Expedition, Emilia, Isla, and Audrey encounter this fascinating bird and learn about its unique features.

Secretary birds are the only birds of prey that spend most of their time on the ground. They have long legs and sharp talons, which they use to catch and kill snakes and other small animals.

Secretary birds are also known for their distinctive crest feathers, which they can raise and lower at will. Some scientists believe that the crest feathers help to protect the bird’s head from snake bites.

Watch the Curious Cousins meet the irritable secretary bird in The Curious Cousins and the African Elephant Expedition! Available on Amazon.

Author, Debra Ford.

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